Then I used the owl from Hambly to give the touch of protection cuz in Brazil this bird doesn't mean only wizdom but the motherhood protection over their babies,and my niece is just like my LIL daugther forever.:0)

Since i saw this lil cutie for the first time was an automatic connection that will last forever.
PS-The tissue paper is really vintage,it was lost inside my hubby's granny sweing machine.LOL
I used doble tape to atach it.
For the owl I used verry tiny dots of glossy accents!
what an excellent layout Lucy!!! xx
Fab as always girlie pops!
Ps you have been tagged my sweet!
Awesome! Love the tissue, and the symbolic owl! :o)
Que luxo essa página!!!! Amei, Luzinha!!! Tá maravilhosa!!!! Amo demais corujas!!!! Mas não sei exatamente porque!!!!!
Lu, tô adorando as fotos das coisas lindas que vc anda vendo!!!!
Wow! Love your layout!!! Your work is so inspiring :-)
Oewwwww luv this girl,really precious!
haa eu adorei, principalmente o pormenor do coraçao na coruja a completar o I (Love) You.. Fikou lindo. =) bjs
Just stunning! Can't wait to meet you at the retreat next year!
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