YAY Another paper line coming direct from Brazil to you:)
Scrapdiary has invited me once again to hand draw a paper line for them!
And it's here onther baby borned:)
"The Matryoshka collection"
Totally inspired by the amazing and rich culture of Russia that I'm fascinated for.
I'm verry happy with the results and seems that the Brazilian girls liked it too cos it's almost sold out!
How cool is that?
And if you would like to TRY to get some you can send an email to Paola it's
paola at scrapdiary.com.br
She'll give you the infos about shippment and prices.
So in a few weeks a box with my samples will arrive it here and I can't wait to play with them:)
And if you want to have a little taste of it please leave me a comment and I'll draw one intire collection to send to you.
Just a lil something to celabrate one more mile stone of my life:)
have a bright day you all:)
And I hope you enjoy it!
Okay meninas...
Me contem vcs gostaram mesmo dos papéis???
Eu já nao guentava mais guardar segredo do tema...tava doida pra contar pra vcs mas a Paola nao deixou!hahahaha
Eu nao vejo a hora de recebe-los e poder brincar e tao pouco posso esperar pra ver o que VCS vao aprontar com eles:D
Logo logo eu vou receber e fazer aqui um sorteio dos 6 papeis pra celebrar esse dia tao feliz:)
Amoooooooooooo vcs!!!
Thanks Super por mais essa oportunidade de mostrar o meu trabalho no Brasil!
Vc é a minha querida mais querida do mundo!




“Winter Palace”

“Bolshoi Dom”

Aaaaaaaaaaaah I so love them!!
Just lovthe colours in these papers. Yummy
WOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW!! I want them ALL!! They are just fantastic, querida, the best collection you´ve done so far... quiero, quiero, quiero.... todos!!! Besitos!!
Lu, adorei, mais uma vez, vc arrasou, parabéns!!
HELLS YEAH i want some of those papers!!!
they are so cute!
I NEEEEED to win these.
They are Uber-fabulous.
Where can we get them?
PS I loved your SIStv class. Thanks for it!
oooooh my godness these are the bom!!! i love it to bad you can not buy it here, i love to get my hands on it...and how great the ask you again ,,,your the best you fit so in this paper line love it hope to see you soon sometimes loves karin sister name Mexx
Oh my!! Fantastic papers!!! I would really really like to have them, especially since my boys have a Russian dad, and I've lived there myself:o)
wow lucy these are gorgeous, i love the litte babushka dolls (i think that is what they are called) - bright colors and so much fun. Congrats on creating another line. I am still waiting for the I Love Lucy line here in the states. =)
OMYGOSH Lucy...this is the most BEAUTIFUL paper I have EVER SEEN.....holy WOWWWWWWWWWW.....pleasepleasepleaseplease include little ole me in your drawing! :):):):):):)
Julie :):):):):):):):):):):)
OMG Lucy, they are FAB!!! Are they for sale on Scrapdiary?!? ...I tried to enter the site but I don't understand a single word o_O!
Anyway, gorgeous work!!!
Oh my goodness! These are beautiful. Congrats Lucy on the "birth" of a new baby. You should be very proud!
Thanks for the tip Lucy, I'll send an email to Paola. In the meantime I did the registration (well I guess I did it... ehmmm portuguese is not as similar as italian actually, LOL!)
P.S.: your package isn't still arrived, I'll inform you a.s.a. I receive it ;-)
These are awesome!!! You are so talented :)
your papers are fabulous! love those little dolls!!!
oooh! those papers would be so happy on my scrap desk right now! love the whimsical designs!
OH your paper is beautiful!!!!!
You are so talented!!!
You totally rock girl. Those are the cutest papers ever. I totally need them !!!
(SweetMarieEve on SIS)
So cool! Thanks for the chance and congrats!
Oh my gosh - LOVE these!!! :) :) :)
I would love to get my hands on these! so cute!
these are absolutely FAN*TAS*TIC!
I love them! :-D
Oh my goodness, you are such a fabulous illustrator! You need a US product line!!!!
These are just so cute, love them. Great job!
Gorgeous papers Lucy! I love the babouscka's!!!
Lucy..these are gorgeous! I'd love a chance to play with them! I actually lived in the former Soviet Union for 2 years and haven't scrapped all the pics...these would be perfect!
lorwilb on SIS
This is fantastic Lucy...I love it.
I LOVE these & would love to win some!
COngrats on being asked to draw them - what exciting news!
wow - love the colors.and the labels are beautiful
yummy papers!
These are beautiful papers...you are soooooo clever....need to get hold of some of these for sure :)
cute cute cute Lucy!
ohhh girl you rock love it all.
foi voce que desenho os papeis foi isso!!!
felicidades que lindo!!!
sera que em frace eu vou poder compralos
beijinhos ana
Linda Star, parabéns e os papéis são lindos. O que eu não dava para ter uns....Uma semana fantástica!
hon this looks soooo lovely!!!
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