It's such adorable collection and I have done 3 projects with it already.
As you can see I'm in a green mood lately. :P
And this first one is literally green cos I recicled an old package.
Let's save the planet people!
It's like a little house door hanger.

This one I did the Lo in a standard size.
But then I decided to cut around and I ended up with this shape.
Kind of like how it turned out.

This was inspired by my old patchwork stuff.
I was missing to do some patch so thats why I did it like this.
The flowers are made out of a hand made paper that come with the Urban Prep collection.

This was a random one just because I miss my family...
So this is to remind me of them everyday.
I have it hanging on my wall here at my studio.

And this is far my favorite from the week!
I love Angie Delarie stamps and this week I recieved some new ones from her and this is what I come up with.
The background I learned with my dearest friend Dan from Brazil.
And it's crumple masking tape painted with acrylics.

A little cupcake.
So much fun to do,but not a fast project though...

And here is a little illustration I did for my friend Annie.
Her DD is the cutest and wearing her grandpa's boots are priceless.

Okay lovelies that's it for today.
I'm not sure if I'll come up with something good this week but if I do I'll let you know.
Wow Lucy... gorgeous...!!! I need to try that masking tape wrinkling right away...!!!!
Hi Lucy > already done the masking tape thing a while ago !! so much fun if u have patience !!! Not me ..
Sooo love all ur layouts
I got a order from a brazil shop for my stamps and others things soon to come to my shop!! Thanks Sweetie!!
Wow ... these are jaw-dropingly-awesome ... love the effect with the masking tape.
Hi Star, that´s amazing!!!!!!I wish a nice and beautiful week to you. Beijinhos
you are too stinkin talented LOVE It ..
LOVE all the new stuff! I love your works! The flowers on the bottom of the one layout are beautiful! Did you fold those yourself?
WOW! Your LOs are all gorgeous! So colorful and happy. Your illustration is just awsome..and I need to try the maskingtape tecnique. Please don't enter the pencil line challenge - the rest of us won't have a chance winning, ha, ha.
oh my oh my, such sweet funky art lucy, miss you loads, we need to meet up again!!! the gilrs send lots of kisses your way
hugs xxx
Oooohg you´re SO fab!!
You LOs are super cute! Luv em!
wowowowowowow! Tudo lindo! Aff! Sem palavras! obrigada por tanta inspiração!
waouuuuuuuuuuuu i love your style!! it's beautiful!!!
Olá Star, um fim de semana lindo para ti. Beijinhos
Oba, fiquei tão contente com a tua participação!!!!!!!!Realmente, o tempo é curto para tudo, mas vamos conseguir e estou contente porque já existem pessoas que permite ter este projecto no "ar" durante um ano!!!!!! Sobretudo o que interessa é divulgar estas pessoas maravilhosas com tanto talento, neste mundo virtual! Se te for possível ajuda-me a passar a palavra. BBBBEEEEIIIIJJJJIIIINNNNHHOOOOSS
Olá, cheguei cá pela Paula e adorei. Conheci o scrap com ela (ainda não faço) e é bom descobrir blogs com trabalhos maravilhosos como este.
This is gorgeous stuff!!! Love that crumpled masking tape background!!
wow I really love your work. This illustration is amazing. It really inspired me to make a pink layout for "Scrappink event". Thanks for sharing. Greetings from Spain. M.Carmen
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