It's a girl after all
it's a girls girls world!

so, no, girly girl isn't the new Disney album i'm releasing.
it's the latest SIStv designer collection! it is gorgeous. and it will be mine. if i can order it before it sells out tomorrow.
and in honor of this fabulous collection SIStv is planning lots of fun games and giveaways:
everyone who buys the collection gets a free 1 oz bottle of glimmer mist.
on monday only, all orders over $50 will get free shipping.
every order placed by midnight cst on Monday the 30th is entered into a drawing to win an Ultimate Scrapbookers Package from SIStv. *drool*
And check it out the new digi designs!I love this one made by the sweet Michelle AKA Saturrngirl:)
I'm so going to have this one cos it's fantabulicious!

Don't miss the First Crop online LIVE today at SIS mb:)
2 PM Nashville time.
It's gonna be fun babe.
I'm doing the same project we did over SD couple of weekes ago and the original project is from my dearest friend Silvana Barros.
And the coolest thing is if you participate I'll be giving a
10.00 gift certificated from SIS boutique:)

So come and join me on the second slumber party day.