Happy Friday Bad Girlies!
This is the
Bleuprint #13 for fabulous
Elite Artist Lucy Folch.
So what you gotta to do is to make a LO based on this magazine add.
Then follow the sketch and last but not least make your LO.
Then you can post it here at the
Bad girls gallery to rock on your project.
add your link here so I can give you some love:)
Hope you enjoy one more challenge made specially for you.
Aren't you a member of Bad girls yet???OMG what are you waiting for?
Come to this awesome place to see by your self the quality of the art showcased there and take part of this fabulous kit club/community.

I need to say a very special thank you to all the messages I've got regarding my mother passing away.
This meant the world to me.
Thank you all very much from the bottom of my heart.
Your words were like a balsam to my soul.
Much love