Hi everyone!
I'm almost back from the summer vacations:)
It's a new year ahead of us waiting for new adventures,new life,new beginings!
You may not see me doing to many scraps this year but this doesn't mean I'll left my creative side off.
I'll take this year for my self most important I want to take care of me,my self and I... so I have to make choices and one of them is to let the scrapbooking on stand by for a while...LOL
And I hope with that to get my mojo/inspiration/innovations back on track sooner or later...
Mean while I'll be doing some painting and trying new stuff to make my art.
And today I'll let you with a sneak peak from my new paper collection for Scrapdiary.
Hope you'll enjoy it.
It was a new experience for me to draw summer fun stuff not the easiest thing on earth but I liked the results though...LOL
See you soon:D

Happy 2011!