To celebrate the 6th anniversary of my beloved scrapbooking forum and site I'd prepare a special online class that was held today over Scrapdiary web page
So I'm here to share with you another one of my crazy ideas on this tutorial.
And for the party to be complete I invite you to make a project similar like mine,using this technique I did.
I invented that when I was a teen. I had a Carnival party to go but I had no costume.So...a crazy idea was born.LOL
Some months ago I'd remember about it and decided to try it on paper.
Back then I did the mask using the hot glue direct on my tank top and sprayed paint all over it...oh good times when I could use such thing!LOL
Anyways it was so much fun and when I tryied it for scrapbook and it worked just fine as well.
Now I'm here today sharing this with you all!
And if you do the LOs and hook me up your gallery link or your blog link here on the comments you'll be entering a draw to win some of my paper collections.
I hope you have fun!
However if you have any doubts just ask me here too okay?
It will be my pleasure to help you!
Oi meninas e meninos,
Abaixo segue a aula online que eu dei em comemoracao ao aniversario de 6 anos do Scrapdiary!
Da pra acreditar que a gente jah esta assim tao velinhas???
Bom pra quem nao acompanhou ainda da tempo de fazer e linkar seu projeto la no simplismente scrap,no meu post oks?
Quem fizer isso ate a meia noite do proximo domingo estara concorrendo a um KIT bem legal.
Espero que voces se divirtam com essa minha tecnica inusitada e otima pra crias outras coisas bem legais...tipo um jogo americano talvez?
Entao divirtam-se muito!
PS as explicacoes em portugues estao nas fotos e no SD.
On a craft sheet get your hot glue gun and make a net.
To this work well you'll have to have a really HOT glue so be verry carfull ok?
And make the lines a bit thick otherwise it can break while peeling it.
The lengh is a bit over the sides of my card stock...And you can trim it later.
You can actually make any sort of pattern you lke.I did Horizontal and vertical lines though.

When it gets cold you can peel it off from the craft sheet.

Now place it over your cardstock and spray your fav spray brand.
Start always with the lightest color, the the darkest one.
Allow to dry.
Take the excesses from the net using a tissue paper.
Save it cause we are going to use this net for the second LO.

Now cut a strip of paper about 10 cm x 28 cm.
I've use my summer paper line and you can use any paper you like.

Then place a photo on the center of your project
And then add a lace just under your photo from side to side of your cardstock.

Do it again using another border.

Well then as you can see on the rest of the Photos is just all about adding decorations and embellishments.

Add the title and it's all done :D

Now for the second project.
As I said to the brazilian girls today,I have no idea why I don't have the first step pf this LO...LOL
Anyways, all you have to do is take your mask and trim the excess from the sides and using the hot glue, glue it on the card stock with only 4 dots,one for each corner.
Live the center free to glue under it some fun images.

Again here those are my papers so it make no sense to explain this step...:P

But here you can see how it looks with some images under the net.

Add your photo on the center of it and embellish it.

I'm saying here that I've used tons of pop dots...LOL

From behing the main Photo you may want to add a tag and another photo,it's up to you.
Add the title and it's the second LO done:)

Hope you'd like it and had so much fun as I had!
It was a specially made project to celebrate this important day in my life!
So don't forget to link your projects here.
You'll have a week to make it.
I'll wait for you till next monday at midnight okay?