My first brazilian collection of papers has been launched yesterday at the biggest scrapbooking fair in South America-Brazil- Sao Paulo.
I'm so proud to introduce you the KISS(Kit scrapbooking from SCRAPDIARY) by Lucy :D
The first paper where you can see the yellow circles it's in fact an interactive paper cause you can draw your on smile it all depends on the mood of your LO,isn't this cool or what?
The rainbow is called Here comes the sun!
The stripes is "go with the flow"
Then the blue is "Love,Peace&co"
The flowers with dots is "imagine"
The polka dots is "Lucy in the sky with diamonds"LOL!
And the White is "Something"
Yes it's all about the 70's and the name of the beetles songs:0D
Then you have this gorgeous sheet of alpha die cuts.
Oh and they are all doble sided.
I so loved this collection and I can't wait to see what the brazilian girls will create with them!
Unfortunally they will not be avaible internationally:0(
Oh well not until someone decide to import them...LOL
I just want to say a huge thanks to PAOLA AND JULIANA because they own Scrapdiary,their papers always rock and they are the coolest bussiness girls ever!
I'm so happy to be part of SD family! :0))
Nasceu galera,nossa eu tava tao tensa pra saber se vcs iam gostar ou nao...hahaha
Mas ontem depois de tantas demonstracoes de carinho das meninas,tantos emails,e tantos comentários positivos eu só pude relaxar e curtir o lancamento dos papeis que eu fiz com tanto carinho pro SD!
Foi dificil,como diz a Paola:Fazer papel nao é facil!
Com a ajuda da Ju que transformou os meus desenhos originais no produto final,eu só posso agradecer por ter ao meu lado pessoas que realmente acreditam no meu talento.
E agora eu mal posso esperar pra ver tudo o que vcs vao inventar com ele!!!
To muito feliz mesmo!
Muito obrigada pessoal pelo carinho de sempre,pelo empurraozinho pra que isso acontecesse e pela paciencia que vcs tem com a pessoa que mora no atlantico norte!!!
These are amazing! Gorgeous! Beautiful! Wonderful!!!
Oh my gosh, I'm SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!! (and now I just have to wait for some smart US person to snag them so I can get them, too)!
so VERY COOL, lucy!!!!!!!!! i love the bright colors and fun themes. fabulous!!!
Lucy - they are amazing!!!! I love it - they are so seventies.
Congratulations - apparently now I need to take a trip to Brazil just so I can get my hands on them. I have some great ultra 70s pics that would be perfect!
Congrats, congrats, congrats
Lucy Lucy Lucy
what could I possibly say
to let you know how excited I am
your collection just made my day
"Imagine" is so lovely
with the colors and dots galore
"Lucy in the sky with diamonds"
makes me want it all the more
"Love, peace, and Co" is so completely cute
I love the bold and vibrant colors
and the design is just so cute
And seeing all those stripes
really makes me "Go with the Flow"
I think your collection rocks
Just in case you needed to know
My favorite by far though Lucy
is definitely "here comes the sun"
I love those gorgeous little rainbows
yes, each and every one.
yeah! these looks smashing Lucy, huge congrats my friend!!!! I got your CD! thanks so much and I know I am late with mine but I will get them next week to you!
Luzinhaaa amei seus pápéis! Um show! Querida desculpa não ter fotografado os teus carimbos, mas tb esqueci de fotografar o da Pati Alves,aff. Beijo
Luzinha !!!!
Parabens, estao lindos !!! Amei e nao podia ser diferente !!! O SD todo vai estar babando !!! Amei as cores, amei as flores !!! Amei tudo !!!
beijo grande,
Tati Alves
Luzinha a carteira de cogumelos é feita de papel, é um trabalho de scrap. Não é uma estampa!
veja no link dela.
Lucy, these are soooo cute!!!
I love the rainbows and the black and white floral ones best...but they are all wonderful!
Congrats girl, you are the best!!!
Swetty, roomie, goofy Lucy!!! You have NO idea how proud I am of you, girly! These papers are just the beggining of a new era: the Lucy in the Sky Era! hihiih! And I'm in it! Yay! I'm writing a post about these awsome babies on my blog right now. Everyone must see what a brilliant artist friend I have! Wait 4 u tere! Love you sooo much!
you're so talented and i really really really really love your stuffs
congrats sister!!
i love them, really
You did it sweety!You totally made it unique.Cant wait to get my hands on them sweety!
(I posted this at the wrong place at first, sorry)
I'm sooo in LOVE with this collection!!! They are ab fab, love it all, the colours are super cool! WTG LUCY!!!
Super Coola!
Jag vill ha! I want!!
Kramar pia
wow wow wow!!!!!!! Lucy these are stunningly gorgeous, i really hope they do go international, i want some!! {LOL} well done xxxxx
Reminds me of school in the eighties and my sticker collection...LOVE IT!
Oi Luzinha!!!
sou também mais uma de suas fãs rsrsrsrs!!!
ADOREI seus papéis, as idéias das estampas, TUDOOOOOO e claro, não resisti, comprei o Kiss!!! rsrsrs!!!
Parabéns pela inspiração e criatividade, não é à toa que as americanas em peso, estão querendo o Kiss e os papéis!!!
Af... ARRASOU!!!!
Beijinhos, Adliz!
OMGG missy you are so freakin talented, i love love love this, reminds me of Austin Powers|!!!!
oooh Lucy your papers are gorgeous, I am sooo proud of you would love to have some haha care to trade some of your collection with my collection. :) cheers nicole hinrichs
WoW Lucy, You're papers are so cool!!! To bad they won't be available in Holland. I would have really liked to have them. Congrats. Bye Irene
What a great line you made of it Lucy. Really unique. And you most find a way to sell them in Holland!
Lucyyyyy! You did it! Congrats my darling! I know you will gete higher and higher! Love you!
Oh wow the look so cool you can be proud of your self. and what a shme we can not buy them jet.
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