The girl the you'll see on the pic is Juliana my dearest friend from Brazil.
Check out her blog,she is an amazing scraper as well!
Juliana have a rubber stamps,chip boards cuted by laser and papers company called GOODIES extras for scrap.
Oh the good news is that she has pay pal in her online shop,so if you want to buy something I can totally help with the portuguese okay?
OMG her new papers are to die for,all black and white so you can color them,they are awesome I'll try to get a pic to show you guys.
Anyway about four months ago she asked if I would like to make a ruber stamp line for her,and I was like whaaaaaa?
Sure I want, so I sent her the drawings.
However I totally forgot,and she sent an email saying that she was having some problems with the images...okay so I sent her a better ones and that was it...I forgot it again.LOL
For my surprise she has just launched the at the fair yesterday too!
Look how gorgeous they are!
Ju you are incredible,I <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

Morri né?
Fala sério se essa Ju nao é a mais querida desse mundo?
Olha o que ela aprontou...
A uns quatro meses atras ela me mandou um email perguntando se eu topava fazer uns carimbos pra Goodies...
E eu né...O queeeeeee?
Sério Ju?
E ela lógico Luzinha vai ser mto legal!
E eu:entao tá!hahaha
Conversa vai,conversa vem eu mandei os desenhos pra ela.
Passados uns dias ela me manda um email...Lu nao tá dando certo acho que nao vai rolar...
E eu ah Ju relaxa nao tem problema,no fim eu reenviei os desenhos e acabei esquecendo completamente!
Agora imagina a minha cara ontem quando eu descobri que tinha dado certo???
hahahaha Sorriso de laco e uma alegria enorme por fazer parte da família Goodies tmb!
Ju abalou!!!
E que cheguem as gringas!!!
Já tenho encomendas das meninas daqui pra trazer!
Querida muito obrigada mesmo viu,você certamente sabe como fazer a gente ser feliz no scrap e com o scrap!
Te amo!
Hi Lucy the stamps are so cool. You're a really talented girl.
Bye Irene
Luzinha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Não é à toa que seu apelido é Starlight!!!!! Vc brilha mesmo!!!!!!!!!! Sua linha de papéis ficou um loooooosho!!!!!!!!! E esses carimbos chiquérrimos!!!!!!!!!!!! Parabéns a cada conquista!!!!
Parabéns linda! Vc merece!
You have such great ideas Lucy.
Oh Lucy they are adorable!!!
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