I missed you all!
Oh well the Extreme weekend was one of the best days in my life!
To get to know so many fabulous people,is priceless.
People that you only dream to meet,and all sundelly they are there,they are real,they are sweet,they care about you,they are lovely,they are artists,they are fantastic!
So I'll show a little hight light of the moments that i lived in The Netherlands this weekend.

Corinne took this pic on me,I don't need to say that i had a blast,she is so fantastic!
She has really magic hands,dude everything she does is pure art!
She captured the best of me:0)
Thanks for everything hun,I already miss you,and I'm looking foward to see you again soon!

Now tell me how wonderful is this woman?
She is like those Hollywood Divas,she knows how to look to your camera,and she does it with such pleasure!
I felt like a Pro taking pics of a supermodel!LOL
And seriously how beautiful is she???
Come on...

Yeah definitively she is a star,she is an incredible...I mean incredible artist,and I'm so happy to be her friend!

Thank you for the fantastic classes...WOW thank you!!!
And for you i wish only the best things that life can bring,with much more sucssess,with dreams come true,with a happy ending for your son's school issue,with so much love from your hunky hubby!LOL:0)
And please don't you ever forget GPS ever!hahahahaha

Here is Adrienne,
A fantastic artist,a sweet girl,a funny person.
I really loved to meet you Adri.

Isn't she lovely?
Dude she's FANTABULOUS,I had a blast in her classes!
Adrienne,thanks for your kindness,you are such a sweet doll.
I loved everything,you so rocked the classes!

Okay okay at this moment we had about 20 cameras at the same time...whitch one should I look???
The wrong one off course!!!LOL

hahaha this pic is awfull,but is the only one I had in my camera with Adrienne.
So if you had a better one,please send to me?!

That's Helene,
My sweet friend from Sweden!
A great company on this journey.
We had so much fun,and I'm really glad that i convinced her to go with me!

Here a pic with my new friend Barbara!
She is simply adorable,I fell sorry that we didn't had time to chat more,so i hope to meet you soon again.
And you know if you come to Sweden please let me know!

Mrs Fauve...
What a character!
She is unique,OMG I had so much fun with her,the way she speaks,the way she posed,she is pure joy!
Sweet pie forever!!!
Hot momma of two!
Do never forget to use your tird eye!
You rock,plus another Diva on my camera!

It's an abuse the beauty of this girl,can you believe that she has two kids???
I know!!!!

If you guess who's Adrianne's foot I'll give you a present!
You can start to guess now!

Amsterdam is so cool!
We had such a great time there.
On this pic I was playing with some piegents,Helene had a laugh attack!
So cool!

OMG yes it's him!
Mel Gibson dancing with me!!!!

And this is the last one...
It's a B-day present for my friende Silvia Alem!!!
Hun I tought about you when I meet Clooney,and said for him to call you some day soon!LOL
Si essa é sua,só sua,meu presentinho de aniversário pra vc!
hahaha até em Amesterdam eu penso em vc sua maluca!!!
Foi engracadissimo eu furando a fila pra tirar essa foto!
Quase que me batem!!!
é isso galera espero que vcs se divirtam com as fotos!
Hey Lucy, so glad you had such a fab time girlie! Loved looking at the pics!!! :)
Hmm is Adrienne wearing the white runner?
Anyways lub ya and glad your back.
Lu do céu! Que delícia!!!!
I am sooo glad you had a rad time girl! It looks like it was a hoot!
Hope you are okay!!
Úhúúú´vc passou a mão nele por mim? Obrigada pelo presentão! Que delícia de viagem hein?
Luzinha linda peguei meu presente bem pegado e levei lá pro meu blog, vai ver!
Beijos e brigada de novo!
ai luzinha que maximo!!
Agora, segundo meu ingles pauperrimo vc ta dando um premio pra quem adivinhar o pé da acalooman ne? Eu acho q é o tenis branco e calça jeans...
Acho q o pé da Adrianne é o de tênis e calça jeans + clara...
Esse fim de semana deve ter sido bárbaro, né?
owmy cutiepieeeeeee you are just the sweetest!!I had so much fun with you,i wanted to last forever.I am SO thankfull for you and helene as my "new" friends!!I am going to visit you girls soon because i already miss you sweety!!Love the pictures you took,you are my rockin Hot Mami!!
Oooh Lucy, what a nice words you wrote about the girls. And you know what: it is so true.
We really had a great time and some of it truly because of you where there.
Thank you for the good company and the laughs.
xxx Barbar@
O da Adrienne deve ser o tênis prata com ponta branca (com calça jeans)....
Conte-nos mais detalhes desse super encontro!!!!
Hi Lucy,
Met you at the Xtreme weekend in Katwijk. We were together in the class of Adrienne. I was sitting in front of you. You painted my flower pink and I took I photo of you while you took one of me. I loved the weekend too and was sad when it was over. I only took Adriennes classes and I loved her. What a beautiful pictures did you make during you're time in Holland. Loved meeting you. Irene from Katwijk.
P.S. I have some pictures of you i took them during the claas. If you want I can mail them to you
the pics are so fabulous!!!
holy crap, lucy! i'm so jealous because that looks AWESOME!
hey, your link to elsie is wanked. i clicked it and it went to some chick named jill. here's the right one:
love ya and glad yer back! thanks again for my owls, chickadee!! XOXO
Que turma da pesada!!! Fotos pra ficar para a história! Adorei! Bjs!
Ai que máximo...lindas fotos...grande recordação!!!!
Vc é um escândalo de especial!!!
Tô passada!
cada foto deliciossaaaaa!!
E a Adrienne minha ídala?!?!
lov u
Hi sweetie......I MISS YOU!!! You are such a doll my friend and I so wish you lived closer so we could hang out more together. I had a fabulous time and love the laughing we did and the awesome photoshoots!
talk to you soon!
How exciting to hear you girls had so much fun. Wish I could have gone also. Anyway I think Adrienne is the one on the top of the picture right in the middle.
Adrienne's foot...hmmmmm the sandal/flipflop?
wish sam hadnt been sick!!....cant believe didnt get to see you!!!
Q delícia de viagem!!!!!!!
sobre o crush, eu fiz meu LO e coloquei o link do meu blog lá no blog categories...
ainda não to vendo no slide... sniff...
depois se puder me ajuda???????
Ai, que tudo,Luzinha! Ainda não acredito q não será desta vez q eu irei conhecê-la pessoalmente. Serei madrinha de casamento no sábado do BMG,snif, snif... Quando tiver aqui manda um bjim p mim?
p.s: Acho q o pé da Adrienne é o de tenis branco com a calça jeans mais clara.
super obrigada pela ajuda!
as fotos estão bárbaras hein???
Hello! I linked to your blog from Adrienne's blog. I was trying to find out from her the brand of the freaking awesome sheet with the adorable kitties on it. Since you gave them to her she said you'd probably know how to get more. Do you?? I have to have them!! :)
Luluzinha!!! Que chique o seu passeio. Que delícia ter amigos all over the world!!! I have some of my own too.
E o que seria aquela foto de vcs com os bracinhos estilo cabide? a dança do siri? AMEIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
Hey, Starlight! It's so nice to know you had such a blast there with those cool chicks! I missed you!
Oh, and have a little challenge waiting for you on my blog... I DARE YOU!
loving all thsoe pics hun, you ahd a blast!!!
hugs xx
It was great to meet you. Love the pictures.
Groetjes Linda
aí lucyyy ainda bem que tem bastante fotos hahaha.. vc me mata de rir entrando no seu blog, tudo em inglês se me mata viu.. kkkkk
ainda bem que tem fotos ae eu vejo as fotos... tipo amei né hehe
ah e vc tem coragem? nhak
bjokas passa no meu blog
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