Next week I'll have the first of two paper collections that I designed for Scrapdiary!
This is so beyond exciting!
It's just like my babies!!!
I hope you'll like but while we are all waiting you can have a little taste of what's coming soon!
I just want to say a special "thank you for",Paola and Juliana,guys without you this dream was not possible to come true,so thanks from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity,dedication and specially for being so patient with me!
I so admire you guys!
I'm so happy right now!!!

Galera com a permissao da Super aqui está um gostinho do que tá chegando por ai pra vcs!
Feito com muito amor,carinho e definitivamente muito suor!
Aieee parece até um filho,que tá nascendo.
Super E Ju queridas,afff nem sei quantas vezes eu vou agradecer a vcs duas por tanta paciencia,empenho e dedicacao!
Hj eu consigo entender melhor esse processo de criacao de vcs e as admiro muuuito mais ainda!!!
Parabéns pra nós,VIVA!!!!
Ebaaa!Ai ai ! Não vejo a hora de ver tudo!
they look beautiful sweetie!!!
can't wait to see them all!
yeah! can't wait to see your babies!
Hi Lucy, hope you are well, really delighted about your papers, they look gorgeous!!!!!!!! well done
cant wait to see them!!!!
Marlou xx
Miss you girl!Hope we can see each other soon.
I loved the paper that you showed me at Skapa! I promisse to buy from you! :-P
owmy cant wait,i soooo gotta have your pp!
Ameiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii os papéis!!!!! Lindos demais.... a sua cara.... imagino toda sua família.... affffffffffffff!!!!!
Lu, o que era aquela tote decorada que vc postou!!!!!!!!!!!!! Meu Deus!!!! VC pintou, desenhou?!!!! Linda demais!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ai,Lu...Já vi que estão maravilhosos...Mas estes já são os de outubro??? Explica melhor...estou morrendo de curiosidade!!!!!!!!! Bjs!
how exciting hun, i cannot wait to be able to purchase, the sneaks look divine!!!!
This is good news wow I can`t wait to see it al
Groetjes Linda
Amei, amei , amei toooodos os papéis!!!! Vi lá no site e vim aqui comnetar porque senha lá só pagando....caro...kkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!
Vc merece!!!! Vc é uma artista e não só uma scrapper!!!!!!!!!!
Parabéns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bjs!!!
I'm sooo in LOVE with this collection!!! They are ab fab, love it all, the colours are super cool! WTG LUCY!!!
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