Hi you all!
I'm back from the craft's fair in Sao Paulo.
I'll give you a quick update cos I'm hitting the road again!LOL
So these two next LOs are for my niece.
I love her to pieces.The cool thing is that she loves my camera and I can play a lot with her..like here she totally let me paint her face with acrylics.LOL
She is a sweetie.

This one was made with the latest Scrapdiary's paper collection.

This is for my friend Corinne,cos I miss her so much!
And I miss my Swedish friends to pieces...soon I'll do some LOs for them too!

Now it's comming a set of basic LOs I've done to teach for the beginners at the fair.
I had so much fun there and in my humble oppinion there's nothing more pleasent than to teach who is on the beginning cos for them everything is so cool.
It's like we open a whole new world of adventures and possibilities in front of their eyes!
I really enjoy it!

Oh the next two LOs were made over a chipboard souplat,really cool stuff!

And this one have my famous flowers...LOL The girls simply get crazy when they learn how easy it is to make them.

I also wanna say a huge congrats to my friend Ju Mansour cos she got an important award on the first eavening of the fair.
She was the winner from the craftsgirl of the year!
Congrats girl you rock!
And last but not least!
I'm so happy to announce that I'm the newest member of
Magnolia stamps DT!
Like they are the sweetest stamps ever and I can't wait to start to play and make pretty thngs with them!

E em portugues eu tenho que contar pra vcs que eu to mais do que feliz de fazer parte do time de design dos carimbos mega fofos da
Eu mal posso esperar pra comecar a produzir com eles alguns cartoes.
E depois se alguem quiser eu vou vender os cartoes.