How can you put in words a dream that come true?
It's not easy and that's why I'll let you with the images from this HUGE
Scrapbooking event that happened this week in Campinas-Brazil.
We did 27 projects,the atendees got home with thousands of goodies and I mean the best things you can imagine...
Everything around 10.000 dollars in gifts for each student.
I dare to say that this is the biggest scrap retrieat on earth!
And I was there as a designer!
Thank you so much Scrap Sampa for this amazing opportunity.
It really was a dream!
God bless you all involved to make this event happen so fine!
Love you guys.
The brands present in the event.

Carmem que me salvou muitas vezes e muitas vezes me deixou maluca!
Love ya girl!

Um beijinho na Maria Valentina.

This is just one third of the boxes that went down to Campinas...
It was necesessary tree trucks to bring everything to the resort.
A logistica eh mesmo gigante.

On the way down to the resort.
A paradinha na estrada pra fazer bagunca...hahahaha

We heart Maria Valentina!

The class room's table waiting for 200 atendees!

Counting buttons till 4 am!
Afff da-lhe contar botoes as 4 da manha...

Trio fantastico!

The designers,cute girls!

Celi Mara a sweet girl!

HA who doesn't like to feel like you are in the red carpet?
Fala se essa paredona do Extravagance idol nao eh tudo de bom na vida da pessoa!
Muitas fotos memoraveis foram tiradas ai na frente!

Anne Idol!

Ahhh amoooo vcs!
From the left to the right
Paola Scott(scrapdiary owner and my best friend)
Anne and her bug antenas.LOL
Me as a loca hippie
Vera Tempel sweet mom of all of us
Nana banana butoex fofis
Ju Tonin mom of an angel.

The bosses at the 70's partay!
They are too cool for school!
Fala serio se esses chefes nao sao tudo de bom?

That's 70's show!
Love and peace people,love and peace!

Friends are the best.

Marcelo fly Dargan!
The cutest boy in town!Love ya babe.
Ele eh muito querido,abala como host,amigo,divertido,fabulous,cuco de plantao,animador da mulherada e o melhor DJ do mundo!

Me and Marcelo Dargan.
He is a famous designer down here and an incredible host guy.

Nosso primeiro jantar no hotel.
The first dinner's night

The mess before the retreat!
Olha a mao desta madame...preparando um LO antes do evento.

The king work as much as we do!LOL
Sr Imperador tmb trabalhou muito pra que o sonho fosse possivel.
Thanks a lot boss!

Kilometers of trhead...LOL
Eh muita coisa pra embalar...

A little surprise for the atendees delivery by the post man.
Muitos detalhes pra surpreender!

The teacher's trainning a week before.
Uma semana antes no by Anne.

Ju Lima queridona e uma fofa!

Ju Tonin and her lil angel.
Fala se nao eh uma boneca perfeita.

The eyes meeting eachother this is the real love.

Thati the coolest chick in town!
Querida era o maximo ver vc ali sentada na primeira fileira tao concentrada e fazendo tudo...dava pra ver em seus olhos a sua felicidade,que se traduz nesse seu sorriso lindo!

Someday I'll fly away!LOL
Dan amora vc eh a querida mais querida do mundo.
Amei estar com vc essa semana e fazer a maior bagunca tirando fotos!

She is scared to death of turtles.LOL
Aieeeee olha la sera que a tartaruga vem me pegar???hahahaha
Dan vc eh otema!

inside the spaceship...
Dentro da nave espaconave espacial tutubarao!

Where's the prince?
Cade o principe?

Just jump girls!

Fly little bird!

And it was the best days of my life!

Extravagance simly Rocks!
Can't wait for 2010!