I know,I know!
Most of you may think this is such a silly thing...
But for me is everything!
I've been waiting to get my first Blythe almost two years now.
Last weekend I had a good deal and my doll arrived safe and sound and now she's here with me!
I can't believe it!
She is so adorable and I'm in love.LOL

I barely could open the box...I was shaking.
And as sooner as I did it I started her little make over.
I know it's nothing so daring...but I was afraid to damage her face and the mechanism.
So I just sanded her face,added a little blush.
I think for the first doll I did quite ok.
Now I'm going to change her eye lashes and do her eye shadow...
Little by little right?
Okay so I've been collecting some clothes for her.
Some I have bought some I did my self and as sooners as I finished the sanding face part I'd started to change her outfits.
I was playing like a kid the whole day... :P
I did the headband and the purse is from Bratz.

Isn't she adorable?
The boots are from Bratz too,I did the skirt and the necklace.
Socks from sweet mag.

I altered this coat,it was originaly from barbie...I added the bling buttons.

I love her glasses!

Madeleine taking some rest after her first photo shot!

Head band made by moi.

Coat from sugar mag.

Boots Bratz.

Dress sugar mag.

She is RAD!

I did this tee-shirt and the skull is this thermo thing kind of iron-on.

Lazy life!LOL

I did the dress.

Tennis like all star from sugar mag.

Now my FAV outfit!

She loves strawberries!

The altered dress was from Barbie.

Shoes sugar mag and the pig tales cherries are hand made by a friend.

How can't you fall for her?
I'm totally in love:)
I think from now on you'll see tons of Blythe's LOs and projects!