See if I'm a normal girl...
Everybody who knows me in real life knows that I'm a REAL goofy!
So that being said let me tell you what happened today...
There I was at the brazilian embassy here in Stockholm.
I had to go there to pick up a document for my mom...
Okay so I rang the door bell.
Let me tell you this door is a typical european,old and really heavy door...
I opened up and what happened?
My hand got stucked between this heavy door!
I started felling my ring cutting down into my skin...
I swear it hurts like hell and in a fraction of a second I was in panic not knowing what to do to realize my hand...
Can you believe?
Oh the tragedy!
How Am I going to scrap?
How Am I going to type???I'm typing with my left hand and it takes forever!
It's so embarrassing and I'm so pissed with my self right now.LOL
My poor ring is all twisted.
Nobody deserves to be a goofy person like me!
I just hope that it heals real soon :X
And now on the other hand...ha funny.
Now on the left hand I have done this frame yesterday following Martha's tutorial at SIS inspiring blog and some parts following the Daily inspiration's blog.
I really liked how it turned out.
Dude the olympic opening ceremony rocked or what?
I'm still in extase and shocked of what I've seen!
Freaking fabulous!
Okay enough already cos my hand is really hurting...
tchau belas!
See you soon!