Hope you are having an awesome weekend filled with tons of creativity!
I have prepared a special tutorial for SIS and I´ll share with you now, so all of you can enjoy it too!
Have fun and hook me up with your project okay?
So let´s start the fun!
Supply list
1. 1 card board with 12 inches x 12 inches or 30.5 x30.5 cm
2. Mix of Chip boards
3. 3 colors of acrylic paint of your choice
4. Acrylic Gesso or similar white pasta
5. Glimmer mist on the same colors of your acrylics or a transparent one
6. 1 photo 7 inches x 5 inches or 18 cm x 13 cm landscape
7. Mix of stickers or embellishments of your choice
8. Mix of alphabets
9. Black sharpie
10. Some ribbons or laces
11. A little cotton rag
12. Some water’s dispenser.
13. Two soft paint brushes a medium and a large one.
14. Give me your best smile!
To start our project you’ll need to distribute the chipboards all around your cardboard.
Concentrate them in one corner.
I used the right one for it going up and on the bottom a little.

Now that the things are in place add the photo Just to see how much space you may need for it.
And glue down all the little pieces using a liquid adhesive.
Take down the photo and let’s start to prepare our background for the paint.

Once everything is glued down, give it a layer of gesso, covering all the little corners using the larger paint brush.
If you find a small corner uncovered by gesso use a smaller paint brush to reach the hard parts.
Remember if you need to add your photo under some of the chipboards, leave that corner
Free of glue so you can have the proper space for it.

Once all the gesso is dry you can start with some painting.
I have chosen pink, purple, baby blue and turquoise.
Get the first color and deep it fast into the water to have a watercolor consistence.
(Just be carful here try it in a scrap of paper before to see if you like the consistence.)
Brush part of it in pink and without cleaning the brush change for the purple color.
Now you can give it a good clean to your paint brush and change for the turquoise.
And go painting all the surface of your project.
It’s getting cool, isn’t it?

While the paint is still wet scrub a little rug all over it.
If it[s already dry make your rag a bit moisture so you can take the excess of paint from the chipboards and cardboard.
Play around, experiment new things if you like.
Try to stamp a background using different textures such as a rubber stamp or a bubble wrap plastic.
Just don’t be afraid of trying.
Once you are happy with your background you can get your glimmer mist and spray it all over!

Here you can see how the colors mix together giving it a cool effect after the rug scrubbing.

The only thing you got to do now is to make some doodles and to embellish it with stickers.
I have sewn a lace on the bottom to give it a cute finishing.
Embellish and doodle around, add your photo your journaling and your title.

You can even make a mini-mini book to add on the same project.
Mine was made out of chipboard file folders.
And here we GO,
The result is a fun unique and a colorful project to remember the best moments of your life!
Hope you had so much fun as I did.
Thank you so much for being here today with me!
And I hope to see you around soon!
Happy NSD!
Please note that this is for your personal use only all the images and
partial images aren´t aloud for any kind of comercial use.
If you would like to use it in a class or commercial use please feel free
to contact me.
Let´s protect together the integrity of all artist to enjoy more free
Thank you very much.
Lucy Folch
Protect by the copyright laws :Lei do Direito Autoral LEI Nº 9.610
e Nº 9.610, DE 19 DE FEVEREIRO DE 1998
Por favor estas instruções e suas imagens inteiras ou parciais são para seu
uso pessoal somente, sendo proibida a sua repodução parcial ou total em aulas de
fins comerciais.
Vamos manter a integridade dos artistas para que possamos continuar
desfrutando de mais e mais aulas grátis!
Se vc quiser usar estas instruções para uso comercial por favor entre em
contato comigo antes.
Muito obrigada.
Sua aula foi demais e esse LO é uma declaração de amor maravilhosa!!!!
Tenho certeza que vai dar tudo certo!!!!
Um super beijo com muito carinho e saudade.
Luzinha!!!! Amei o crop... Adorei o projeto e suas dicas, rs!!! E olha que traduzi tudo no google, hahaha!!!
Mas como falei lá no SD, estou com uma pequena grande dúvida... E cá estou para te perguntar pela 3ª vez (afff, rsrsr), rs!!!
Se eu não tiver Glimmer mist tudo bem??? Na verdade nem sei o que é e para que serve, rsrsrs... É tipo um verniz????
MUITOOOOO thanks, hahaha (isso eu sei escrever e falar, rs!
Beijocas, Adliz!
wow that is awesome! Thanks for the lesson i may have to try it!!
Adorei isso Lu! Tenho uma caixa de figuras de chip lindas e fedidinhas, vou fazer com ctza! Obrigada por ensinar!!!
Adorei, minha linda! Obrigada por partilhar com a gente, e ensinar um projeto tão lindo! Tenho tantos chipboards guardados, que com certeza serão aproveitados agora! Um super beijo,
Que coisa mais linda e que LO emocionante .... Ameiii essa super aula ... Arrasou, como sempre .... Bjusss
I like how you had played along with all the coulers! :-) Great job as usally, Lucy.
But the words... Make my heart bleed! I miss you so much! I hope you and Musse soon will be together again.
Tänker på dig!
Nossa, que transformação!!!! Muito lindo.
Seu blog tá lindo tb.
Luzinha, querida!!!
Primeiro parabéns pelo LO!!!
Demais esta técnica!!!
Segundo ...adorei saber desta lei.... vou me informar mais sobre ela....uma vez que uma aluna fez minha aula de Painél.....e está dando a aula em outra loja.....hehehe !!!Acredita????
Eu não tinha visto esse tutorial, vou tentar. Será que consigo?
Aliás, postei lá no blog do scrapdiary a pintura da Sofia sobre o seu desenho do kiss de abril. Ficou muito legal.
Ainda não te falei, mas amei sua aula na Scrap Sampa. Pode parecer bobo, mas fazer uma aula sua era meio que distante pra mim...só não pedi pra Paty me beliscar pq tenho certeza que ela me beliscaria mesmo...hahuhau...
Love U Star...
Wow thank you. Really like this.
AMEI fazer esta página. Foi delicioso usr tanta tinta. Compartilho da dúvida da Adliz, não sei o que é glimmer mist e nem para que serve.
Fiz sem e ficou legal!
I'm loving that idea Lucy
Might use it on my chipboard designs like Karin did !Thanks hun!
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