Hi evryone,
I've been quite busy this week.
I can't believe that's friday already!
I'm so glad that the weekend is here,I'm going to have some fun tomorrow with my hubby,if the weather helps.LOL
I've been creating some new papers for my workshop in october in Brazil.
Scrapdiary(the aple of my eyes) is going to print them!YAY!
So the girls who will attend the workshop will have them first.
It will be two different lines,lots of fun doing it,hard work but so much fun and colorful and I promisse you they look yummmy,just the way I like the things!
And then yesterday between the mess of my home and my brain storm I got the time to relax and do this project with the stuff provided from my DT Skapa Hobby monthly kit.
We have a month project to present,but this one I've made with the left overs,just a quick and fun one for my niece Mariana,so she can remember our good times together having fun with the web cam few years ago!
I wish a happy friday for you!:0)
love that layout!!!!
your workshops in brazil sound fabulous....don't you need me to come and be your assistant or something??? LOL!!!
The page is great, Lucy and your banner is too cool!!
Luzinha querida,
Obrigada pelo recadinho no meu blog.
Devagar ele vai ficando mais completo e estou adorando aprender com ele.
Agora já tem um link para o seu. è que estou colocando aos poucos, pois felizmente são muitas queridas na minha vida!!!!
Estou super curiosa com os papeis que você está fazendo...
Um beijão e um ótimo fim de semana para vocês também!!!!
Tá lindoooo!!!!
Chega logo outubro!!!
Hi there just found your blog and your work is wonderful. Do you mind me askin you where you got your logo for love elsie? And would I be able to get one for my blog?
Many thanks
Marlou Northern Ireland
Hi Lucy , thanks for getting back to me, I haven't a clue how to use your love elsie logo, do I go to photobucket? Im not great at digi scrapping :)
Thanks for permission to use it
Marlou x
Thank you so much Lucy, it worked, your a star!!! Delighted I found your blog I shall pop back and visit. Can I add you to my favourite links list?
Lu, adorei este Lo! bjbjb
You are a rockstar, Miss Lucy!!!!
So happy to hear about your new lines. I would love to play with them one day!! Congratulations :) You deserve it. And....what a fantastic and fun page! Love your work as always :)---Tessa Ann
linssima essa pagina!!!!
felicidades ana
Wow! You have such an INCREDIBL talent!! I stumbled upon your blog from Tessa's, and I'm SO glad I did. So inspiring!
You do so much fantastic stuff!!!!
I Love your stile you rock!!!!
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