I know it has been published at SIS back in the days.
And now I decided to share with you all this simple but verry cute project.
I hope you like and make tons of it to keep your ATCs organized.
Oh yes and Cyn this is specially for you hun!

So first of all you'll need a stripe of cardbaord with
12"x3" or 30,5 cm
Entao eh muito facil de fazer essa capa para ATCs.
Voce so precisa cortar uma tira de papelao como esta da foto.
Clique na foto pra ver as medidas.

Make some folding marks along this stripe as you can see on the pic.
Using a scoring blade mark the folding lines.
Click on it to enlarge the pic.
Faca marcas com um lapis para marcar as dobras.
E depos faca vincos nas marcar para poder dobrar.

At this point you can decorate your cover.
Nesse ponto vc jah pode decorar a sua capinha.

Then you'll need some sheets of plain paper.
Cut it with 5" tall x 8 1/2" long.
Make tree equal lines and score it.
Agora pegue folhas de papel sulfite para fazer os bolsos de dentro.
Corte com 5 polegardas de largura por 8 1/2 polegardas de comprimento.
Faca 3 marcas iguais e dobre como vc ve na foto.

Now glue it toguether making a pocket.
You don't need to glue the low part of it,just the sides ok?
Agora cole as abas de fora formando um bolso.
Nao precisa colar embaixo,so as laterais.

Use your fav glue to add one pocket to another right on the center of the pocket as shown on the photo.
Passe uma linha de cola bem no meio e va colando um bolso acima do outro.

Make an acordeon with the pockets as shown uder here.
Formando um acordeon.

Now all you have to do is to add the pockets to it's cover gluing it just as you did with the pockets.
Agora da mesma maneira que vc colou os bolsos,cole-os na capa.
E voila ta pronto!

Make a small hole on the top of the cover and pass a string on it to close the cover.
Decorate it as you wish and voila!

Hope you'd enjoy it.
Cyn espero ter te ajudado qqr duvida dessa minha explicacao tosca eh soh perguntar ok?hahaha
Thanks a lot, Lu darling!!!! Of course I´m doing, not 1 but 2 of them to hold my ATCs from swaps as well!!!!!
Luv u
amei o projeto,
super criativo!
Adoreiiiiiiii esse PAP!! Ficou liiindoooooo!! Bjoss
vim correndo do blog da Cyn direto prá cá. Obrigada por partilhar.
LINDO!!!!! Mas onde fica o tradutor para seu blog?? Bjs Sonia
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